Get started on your strength journey. Each article is designed to give you the tools you need to take care of your body
Solving Pain With Strength

The Ultimate Guide To Partner Stretching
Partner stretching is a great way to relieve pain, improve flexible, and have fun with a friend. Use our ultimateguide to partner stretching to get started.

How To Do Single Leg Deadlifts With Perfect Form
The single leg deadlift is a great exercise to build strength and improve balance for less joint pain. Click here to learn how to perform single leg deadlifts with perfect form.

How To Do Push Ups Correctly To Avoid Shoulder Pain
Push ups are a great movement for shoulder strength. However, when performed with poor form can CAUSE shoulder pain. Learn how to do push ups correctly to avoid injuring your shoulder.

How To Do A Glute Bridge Correctly
The glute bridge is one of the best exercises to treat joint pain as you get older. Learn how to do the glute bridge correctly to avoid aggravating your joint pain.

Dead Bug Exercise For Beginners
The dead bug is a great core strengthening exercise for those with lower back pain. Learn how to perform the dead bug exercise with perfect form here.

The Deadlift For Beginners | How To Perform Without Pain
The deadlift is one of the best exercises for less joint pain and arthritis as you get older. Our deadlift for beginners guide will teach you how to perform this important exercises without stressing your joints.

How To Do Squats Without Pain | A Step-By-Step Guide
Learn how to do squats without joint pain. Our step-by-step guide will help you learn the how to perform the squat movement correctly.

How To Do A Deadlift | A Step-By-Step Guide
The deadlift is one of the BEST ways to build full body strength for less impact on your joints. Click here to learn how to do a deadlift with perfect form.

How To Hip Hinge For Less Lower Back Pain
The hip hinge is oe of the most important movements to understand for less joint pain as you get older. Learn how to perform the perfect hip hinge without stressing your lower back.