How To Fix Pain At The Base Of Your Neck: The 6 Best Strength Exercises
How To Fix Pain At The Base Of Your Neck
Like most causes of non traumatic joint pain, pain the base of your neck is caused by too much repetitive impact over too long a period of time. Poor posture, mid back tightness, and weakness in the muscles of your back often lead to impact at the base of your neck.To fix this pain it’s vital that we improve spinal alignment and posterior strength to limit impact that goes through your joints. The following exercises are 6 of my favorite exercises to fix pain at the base of your neck.
Chin Tucks
Forward head posture is extremenly common in adults who sit for long periods of time. After long hours of sitting, eventually your shoulders start to round inward and your head drifts forward. Over time, this puts a lot of strain on the muscles and joints at the base of your neck. Chin tucks are a postural retraining exercise that brings your spine into better alignment to limit impact at the base of your neck.
Learn More About How To Fix Forward Head Posture
Wall Angels
Wall Angels are a great way to open up your chest and engage the smaller muscles of your back to improve posture and strength for less impact at the base of your neck. This exercise is much harder than it looks.
Foam Roll Extensions
Tightness in your mid back can often contribute to pain at the base of your neck. Which is why improving mid back mobility is so important for those with neck pain. Foam Roll extensions are one of my favorite ways to improve mid back mobility. Be sure to keep your hands supporting your neck to avoid overextension.
Learn More About Improving Mid Back Mobility For Less Neck Pain
Banded Rows
Truthfully, any row variations will be good to strengthen your back for less pain at the base of your neck. The Banded row is an easy and safe variation. Making it a great place to start. Try squeexing your shoulder blades together at the end of the movement for an extra challenge.
Learn 10 More Row Variations For Neck And Shoulder Health
It’s difficult to target the muscles directly at the base of your neck. Facepulls are one of the best exercises for hitting this area. Be sure to keep your elbows in line with yoru shoulders while avoiding shoulder ‘hunching’.
Banded T’s (Banded Reverse Fly’s)
Another great exercise to target the muscles in the back of yoru shoulders and at the base of yoru neck is the Banded Reverse Fly. Thisexercise uses smaller muscle groups and can be done without a band. Only progress to the banded variation once you feel confident in the bodyweight version.
To fix pain at the base of your neck it’s important to imrove posture and strength for less impact on your joints. Adding these 6 exercises to your routine can drastically improve neck, shoulder, and mis back pain.
For the last 12 years I’ve been helping adults build the strength and confidence to live active, healthy, and happy lives. My free program ‘Solving Pain With Strength’ gives you a step-by-step, approachable way to build strength without stressing your joints. Download it below and get started feeling better today.