The Ultimate Guide To Solving Lower Back Pain | Part 2


The traditional approach to solving lower back pain has it all wrong. Pills, injections, endless doctor appointments provide temporary relief without helping you keep active and maintain your lifestyle. The more you mask your pain the worse it gets as you get older. A better approach involves learning how to limit impact on your spine to avoid pain and arthritis. In Part 2 of our guide to solving lower back pain I will teach you exactly what you need to DO to solve lower back pain once and for all. 

If you haven't already, be sure to read Part 1 of our series in solving lower back pain before progressing to part 2.

Ultimate Guide To Fixing Lower Back Pain Part 1

How To Relieve Lower Back Pain

It's possible to do everything right and still experience lower back pain from time to time. Knowing how to relieve lower back pain when it pops up is an important skill to learn. The best thing to relieve lower back pain is gentle, pain free movement. Exercises like the cat/cow, childs pose, and windshield wipers are great ways to get movement in your spine for less lower back pain. 

Click Here To Learn More Back Pain Relief Exercises


Low Impact Strengthening Exercises

Building strength to support your lower back is the BEST thing you can do to solve lower back pain. However, not all strength exercises are good for your lower back. And the last thing we would want to do is make your back pain worse. Choosing SAFE and EFFECTIVE exercises is the key to building strength without stressing your back.

Click Here To Learn More Low Impact Strengthening Exercises For Lower Back Pain


Learn How To Hip Hinge

In part 1 of our guide to solving lower back pain we discussed how to find your neutral spine. What's even more important is to learn is how to maintain a neutral spine as you move through your day. This is where the hip hinge comes in. I would even go so far as to argue that learning to hip hinge is THE MOST important thing you can do to protect your lower back and solve back pain.

Learn More About How To Perform The Perfect Hip Hinge


Learn How To Squat

The squat is another important movement to learn, understand, and practice to solve back pain. The squat is a full body movement that improves movement patterning, hip mobility, and strengthens your glutes and hamstrings to protect your lower back. Adding the squat to your routine will limit impact on your spine as you move through your day and perform your strengthening routine. 

Learn How To Perform The Perfect Squat


Learn How To Lift

Like the squat, the lift is a full body strengthening movement. It improves movement patterns, hamstring flexibility, and strengthens your core and glutes to protect your spine. It also helps limit impact on your spine as you move through your day.

Learn More About How To Deadlift Here


Remember...the key to solving lower back pain is learning how to limit impact on your spine. The less impact on your spine, the less pain you experience. Learning, understanding, and practicing these exercises will limit impact on your spine to solve lower back pain as you get older.

Learn More About Solving Lower Back Pain With The Video Below


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