The Best Isometric Exercises For Knee Pain And Arthritis


An isometric exercise is defined as the contraction of a muscle without any movement in the surrounding joints. Essentially they are holds. Because isometric exercises don't involve joint movement they are a great choice for solving knee pain and arthritis. The lack of movement limits impact at the knee, allowing you to build strength without aggravating your knee pain. I've picked out the best isometric exercises for knee pain and arthritis. Check it out below.

The Best Isometric Exercises For Knee Pain

Remember, the most common cause of knee pain an arthritis is adults is repetitive impacts on the joint over a long period of time. To limit impact at the knee it's important to target specific muscle groups and improve certain movements. The following isometric exercises are designed to strengthen the most important areas of your body to limit impact at the knee. 

  1. Wall Sits (Quads)

  2. Wall Press (Glute Med)

  3. Glute Bridge (Glute Max And Hamstring)

  4. Squat Hold (Lower Body Strength)

  5. Lunge Hold (Single Leg Strength And Balance)

Read More About The Causes Of Knee Pain And Arthritis From a Movement And Strength Perspective

Learn More About How To Perform Each Exercise With Dr. Baird At The Video Below


Isometric exercises are a great way to treat knee pain and arthritis. Muscle contraction with no joint movement allows you to build strength while limiting impact on your knees. Give these isometric exercises for knee pain and try and let me know how they go in the comments below.

For the last 10 years I’ve been helping adults build the strength and confidence to live active, healthy, and happy lives. My free program ‘Solving Pain With Strength’ gives you a step-by-step, approachable way to build strength without stressing your joints. Download it below and get started feeling better today.

Limited By Joint Pain? Get Started With Our Free Strength Program

Solving Pain With Strength: An Approachable, Step-by-Step Strength Program For Adults Limited By Joint Pain



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