Free Resources

Our mission is to provide the guidance to help you build the strength and confidence to live active, healthy, and happy lives. Get started with one of our free programs. 



Solving Pain With Strength

An Approachable, Step By Step Strength Program For Adults Limited By Joint Pain

Improve movement and build strength without stressing your joints. Inside our free program you will get the EXACT exercise proram we've used to help help 100's of adults solve chronic joint pain



How To Solve Lower Back Pain In 12 Easy Steps

A Complete Guide Easing Back Pain, Keeping Active, and Maintaining Your Lifestyle as You Get Older

Learn everything you need to know to limit the impact that goes through your spine as you move throughout your day and finally solve your lower back pain.



Ten Exercises For Pain Free Shoulders

Improve Movement And Build Strength To Work, Sleep, And Exercise With Less Shoulder Pain

Learn the best exercises to fix underlying causes of shoulder pain to limit the strain that goes through the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the shoulder.