Can't Squat Because Of Knee Pain? How To Safely Build Up To A Squat


The squat is one of the most important movements to build the strength and confidence to SOLVE knee pain. However, it's very common that many people with knee pain are can't squat at the start of their strength journey because of their pain. Using a step-by-step approach to learning the squat movement allows you to SAFELY build the strength to perform the squat and solve knee pain once and for all.

The Assisted Sit To Stand

This squat variation is a good place to start for anyone with significant knee pain or arthritis. Starting in a seated position keeps you safe. Using assistance like a TRX Suspension Trainer allows you to control how much force goes through your knees. The goal is to build the strength and confidence so you no longer have to use your arms to pull yourself up.


Sit To Stand

Once you feel comfortable without holding onto something, you can now perform the Sit To Stand without assistance. Simply start in a seated position and press through your feet to stand up. Avoid using momemtum to 'rock' yourself up.


Box Squat

The box squat is the next step up in learning to squat. Similar to the sit to stand exercise, this movement starts from a standing position. The box squat has many benefits. Having the box behind you adds a level of safety by allowing you to fall into a seated position if unable to perform the full squat. Position yourself in front of your seat, reach your hips back and then bring them down to tap your butt on the box. Return to the standing position.


Assisted Squat (TRX Squat)

Once you feel comfortable performing the Box Squat it's time to remove the box. Using assistance like a TRX trainer will allow you to control your squat and SAFELY build strength without stressing your joints. As you build strength a confidence in the movement try to use less and less of your arms until you're performing a squat with no assistance at all.


The Air Squat

You're made it! Once you feel comfortable with minimal assistance it's time to progress to the air squat. The bodyweight variation of the squat helps improve movement, mobility, and strength to solve knee pain once and for all.

Learn How To Perform The Air Squat With Perfect Form


The Goblet Squat

If you feel safe with the air squat it's time to start adding some resistance. Holding a kettlebell or dumbell close to your chest allows you to build strength to SOLVE knee pain once and for all. Start with lighter weights and work yoru way up.


The squat is one of the most important movements to master to build the strength and confidence to solve knee pain without pills, injections, or surgery. If you can't squat because of knee pain, these progressions will help you SAFELY build the strength to perfect the movement. Start at the level you feel comfortable with and slowly work your way up. 


For the last 10 years I’ve been helping adults build the strength and confidence to live active, healthy, and happy lives. My free program ‘Solving Pain With Strength’ gives you a step-by-step, approachable way to build strength without stressing your joints. Download it below and get started feeling better today.

Build Strength Without Stressing Your Joints? Get Started With Our Free Program

Solving Pain With Strength: An Approachable, Step-by-Step Strength Program For Adults Limited By Joint Pain



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