Workouts to Strengthen Knees For Less Knee Pain | Level 4


Improving movement and building strength are two of the best things you can do to solve chronic knee pain, keep active, and maintain your lifestyle as you get older. Our workouts to strengthen knees give you the best and most effective exercises to build strength without stressing your joints.This Level 4 workout to strengthen knees is an advanced workout to build strength in your glutes, legs, and core to limit the impact that goes through your knees.  To avoid aggravating any knee pain, be sure to build a solid movement and strength foundation with our Level 1-3 workouts.

Level 1 Workout Level 2 Workout | Level 3 Workout

Equipment Needed

As we move into our more advanced workouts to strengthen knees it's time to start adding weight (resistance). To complete this workout you will need access to:

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Warm Up

A proper warm up is an important part of workouts to strengthen knees. The following exercises will help prepare your muscles and joints for the following workout. Grab a timer and perform each movement for 1 minute (each side if applicable).

Bi-Phasic Hip Flexor Stretch

Mobilize and stretch your hip flexors and quads which are commonly tight in those with knee pain.

Side Lunge Hip Mobilization

Mobilize and stretch your hip joints and prepare for many of the movements performed in this workout.

Yoga Mobility Warm Up

This easy yoga flow is a great warm up for the entire body. If this is difficult to perform due to mobility issues,  it’s OK to use the warm up from the Level 1 and Level 2 workouts.

Workouts To Strengthen Knees: Strength Exercises

These workouts to strengthen knees are designed to strengthen your glutes, legs, and core to limit the impact that goes through your knees. Use your timer and perform each exercise for 1 minute. Performing slow and maintaining control is more important than number of reps.

Banded Glute Bridge

Using a rubber resistance band is a great way to add resistance to your glute bridge to build strength in your hamstrings and glutes.

Hip Airplanes

An advanced exercise to strengthen your glute med muscle group and improve balance.

Single Leg Deadlift

Build strength in your posterior chain of muscles and improve overall balance and control in the single leg stance.

Suitcase Carry

This functional core strentheningexercise is a great way to build core strength to protect your knees in a more functional way. A medium to heavy weight is preferred to get the most out of this movement.

Full Body Movement Patterning

Improving movement patterns (how we move) limits impact on your joints as you move through the day. The foundational movement patterns used in our workouts to strength knees are also great movements to build full body strength. Use your timer and perform each exercise for 1 minute. Performing slow and maintaining control is more important than number of reps.

The Kettlebell Deadlift

The deadlift is one of the best movements to build strength in your hamstrings and glutes to strengthen and protect your knees.

The Goblet Squat

Adding weight to your squat movement allows you to further build strength to protect your knees and avoid knee pain.

The Bulgarian Split Squat

The bulgarian split squat is a challenging lunge variation that builds strength and improves balance in the single leg.

Need Some Extra Motivation? Follow Along With Dr. Baird As He Takes You Through The Level 4 Workout Below


This workout to strength knees is meant to be performed in a circuit. After you’ve completed the first round, start back with your Banded Bridges and perform series again (don’t do warm up twice). Workout should take 25-30 minutes to complete. This is the most advanced of our workouts to strengthen knees. Be sure to build a solid movement and strength foundation to avoid aggravating knee pain with out Level 1-3 workouts

Level 1 WorkoutLevel 2 Workout | Level 3 Workout

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