The Best Home Exercise Program For Shoulder Pain | Level 4


Our home exercise program for shoulder pain is centered on fixing the underlying causes of shoulder pain to help you solve shoulder pain without injections or surgery. In Level 4 of our home exercise program for shoulder pain we’ll continue to focus on improving mid back mobility and improving balance to limit impact on the muscles, tendons, and joints of the shoulder. By now you should have a solid movement foundation.

If not, I would strongly recommend starting with our Level 1, 2 and 3 Workouts For Shoulder Pain.

Level 1 Workout Level 2 Workout | Level 3 Workout

Equipment Needed

To complete this workout and properly perform the home exercise program for shoulder pain you’ll need access the following equipment:

  • Foam Roller

  • Rubber Functional Fitness Band

  • Green CLX Theraband

  • Medium Dumbbell or Kettlebell

Click Here For The Exact Equipment I Use In The Clinic

Home Exercise Program For Shoulder Pain: The Warm Up

Our Level 4 warm up focuses on improving mid back mobility and preparing the shoulder joint and muscles for your workout. Grab a timer and perform each movement for 1 minute (each side if applicable).

Foam Roll Extensions

Mid back movement is directly related to shoulder movement. Foam roll extensions counter hours of rounded forward posture by improving mid back mobility into extension.

Foam Thread The Needle

Limitations in mid back rotation is another common contributor to shoulder pain. Fix it with this beginner thread the needle exercise.

Banded Shoulder Pass Through’s

Take your shoulder joint through it’s full range of motion and stretch tight muscles with shoulder pass through’s.

Banded Pull Aparts

Fire up your central nervous system and engage your entire shoulder complex with banded pull aparts. Perform 20 repetitions, maintaining tension between reps.

At Home Program For Shoulder Pain | Strength Level 4

Our home exercise program for shoulder pain level focuses on strengthening the muscles of your back for better posture and shoulder health. Use your timer and perform each exercise for 1 minute. Performing slow and maintaining control is more important than number of reps.

Single Arm Dumbell Row

Focus on STRENGTH with this row variation. By switching from bands to dumbells (or kettlebells) we can start to add even more weight.


Also a part of our level 3 home exercise program for shoulder pain, facepulls are one of the best exercises for shoulder pain. Facepulls target the muscles of your upper back which are commonly missed and hard to train.

Banded Rear Delt Fly

The deltoid is the big ball muscle that surrounds your shoulder. Restore balance to this muscle by training the rear portion with rear delt fly's.

Push Ups

The push is another of the three overall shoulder movements to train for strong shoulders. When performed with attention to form they are a great exercise for healthy shoulders. Performing with poor form can make shoulder pain worse. Be careful!

Home Exercise Program For Shoulder Pain | Posture and Core - Level 4

As should be clear by now, shoulder pain isn't only a shoulder problem. Improving movement patterns, posture, and core strength are all important componenets for any home exercise program for shoulder pain.. Use your timer and perform each exercise for 1 minute. Perform slowly and maintain control while performing these movements.

Kettlebell Deadlift

The kettlebell deadlift engages your lats, improves core strength, and engages the entire posterior chain for strong, pain-free shoulders.

Banded  Rows (w/ Hinge)

One of my favorite row variations. Holding the hinge position while performing the row strengthens the postural muscles of your entire back. Make sure to keep a neutral spine throughout.

Quadruped Shoulder Touches

Turn this core exercise into a shoulder exercise by adding quick shoulder taps. Maintain a strong core position and avoid twisting your trunk while tapping.

Need Some Motivation? Perform This Workout With Dr. Baird At The Video Below:


The best home exercise program for shoulder pain will focus on improving movement, strength, and mobility of the entire body. Our step-by-step programs help you SAFELY build strength to live active, healthy, and happy lives - without stressing your joints. For more information and to join our list of others dedicated to building strength download our free report below.

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