How To Fix Lower Back Pain With The Hip Hinge


Today we're looking at reasons for lower back pain with the hip hinge movement and what you can do to fix it. Improving movement patterns is one of the best ways to limit impact on our joints and prevent pain as we get older. The hip hinge is the foundational movement on which so many others are built.

The hip hinge is one of the most important movements to learn, understand, and practice to build strength and limit the impact that goes through your joints. As people are learning this movement, there are a few small, subtle mistake that can cause you to experience back pain. In this article we'll look at these mistakes and what we can do to fix them.

Pelvis Rocking Forward

One of the most common reasons people will feel back pain when they're hinging is when the rock their pelvis forward when sending the hips back. This creates extension in the lower back and pinch our spinal joints (causing pain). Fix this issue with an easy abdominal squeeze (brace) to prevent your pelvis from being able to move.

Overextending The Spine

More common in hypermobile and very flexible people. As the hinge they over extend their mid back. It's easy to spot when practicing with a pole along the spine as they will lose contact at the mid back. The easy fix is a quick abdominal brace to help limit spinal movement.

Bending Forward (vs. Reaching Back)

The hinge movement involves sending the hips BACK. No bending trunk forward. Both technically 'hinges' but bending forward will increase pressure on your low back (especially when you start adding weight). The fix is making sure to reach your hips BACK.

Going Too Low

Knowing when to stop the hinge is just as important as knowing how to start. The movement should stop the second you feel tension in your hamstring. You will be able to bend lower but all that movement will be happening at your spine. Not a problem with body weight, but quickly becomes a problem when you begin to add weight. The only fix here is to really pay attention and listen to your body. If using a pole, you will lose contact with your pelvis/low back point.

The hip hinge is just one of many movements to learn, practice and understand to solve lower back pain. However, for such a simple movement there is a lot to pay attention to. Use these tips to help solve lower back pain with the hip hinge so you can build strength without stressing your joints.

For a more complete understanding and answers to low back pain be sure to download our free program ‘Solving Pain With Strength’.

Watch the Video Below to Learn More About How To Fix Lower Back Pain With The Hip Hinge


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