Back Knee Hurts During Lunges? Three Easy Fixes


The lunge is one of the most beneficial exercises for adults to limit knee pain and keep active as they get older. Unfortunately, back knee pain during lunges keeps a lot of people from getting the benefits of this movement. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In this article we’ll look at three easy work arounds for back knee pain during lunges.

Back Knee Pain During Lunges - The Cause

There are a few things that can cause back knee pain during the lunge. In this article we’ll discuss knee pain that is located in the back side of the knee on the back leg. Most times it feels like it’s in the j oint itself. It feels like it’s in the joint because it often times is. As we age we can develop small tears in our meniscus. This is a normal part of the aging process. Usually these tears don’t bother or limit you. But there are certain angles that can really irritate this meniscus. The angle of the back leg during the lunge is one of them.

Back Knee Pain During Lunges - The Fix

There is no way to fix damage to a damaged meniscus. But there are ways to work around this pain and allow you to get the benefits of the lunge. Below I outline three ways you can work around back knee pain during lunges so you can continue with your strength goals.

Drop Knee All The Way To Floor

The first option is use a towell or a pad and allow your knee to drop all the way to the floor. This avoids the painful angle that iriitates the meniscus. Remember that during the reverse lunge you are pressing up off the front leg to stand back up.


Elevate Front Foot

The next option is to elevate your front foot (using a step or yoga blocks). This allows you to sink into your squat while keeping your back leg relatively straight. This avoids the angle which irritates your meniscus and causes pain.


3. Use Assistance

The final option is to use assistance. Having something to hold onto (like a TRX Trainer) allows you to control the movement and avoid the painful angle. It also allows you to flip your foot over and land on the TOP of your back foot. This also helps you avoid the painful angle of the knee that irritates your meniscus.


Back knee pain during lunges is common in many adults as they get older. It’s important not to give up on lunges (as they are extremely benficial in preventing knee pain as you get older). A better approach is to find work arounds that allow you to perform the lunge without aggravating your knee pain. These three work arounds are great options that allow you to build strength without stressing your joints.

For the last 12 years I’ve been helping adults 40+ build the strength and confidence to live active, healthy, and happy lives. To help you get started, I’ve put together a free step-by-step strength program to help adults build a solid movement and strength foundation. Check it out down below!

Watch Video Below To Learn More About How To Fix Knee Pain During Lunges


Limited By Knee Pain? Get Started With Our Free Program

Solving Pain With Strength: An Approachable, Step-by-Step Strength Program For Adults Limited By Joint Pain


Carl Baird

Helping adults 40+ solve chronic joint pain keep active, and maintain their lifestyle as they get older.

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